《ボブ・チルコット (Hervé Nique)》



◎ボブ・チルコット作曲の「Thou, my love, art fair」
キングズ・シンガーズ(The King's Singers)
Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis on St Valentine's Day 2015.
16世紀の詩人、ウィリアム・ボールドウィン(William Baldwin)の詩による。

"Lo, thou, my love, art fair;
Myself have made thee so:
Yea, thou art fair indeed,
Wherefore thou shalt not need
In beauty to despair;
For I accept thee so,
For fair.

For fair, because thine eyes
Are like the culvers' white,
Whose simpleness in deed
All others do exceed:
Thy judgement wholly lies
In true sense of sprite
Most wise."
